

Effective Budget Management for Employers and Freedom of Choice for Employees with SencardFlexi

Explore the features and benefits of senCard Flexi, the user-friendly reward platform developed in collaboration with Acıbadem Sigorta:

For employers::

  • Makes both basic and side benefits visible, raising employee awareness.
  • Increases control over budget and costs by ensuring effective selection and utilization of fringe benefits by employees.
  • Boosts employee satisfaction, decreases turnover, and attracts qualified talent to the company.
  • Elevates the brand value of the company further.

For employees::

  • Offers the freedom to choose benefits according to individual tastes and needs.
  • Allows them to manage side benefits based on personal expectation and plans.
  • Enables them to create different fringe benefits using a portion of their salary.


  • Increased Visibility of Rights.
  • Effectively demonstrates the value of all benefits offered to employees.
  • Time and Administrative Efficiency:
  • Saves time and streamlines administrative processes with easy updates based on defined rule sets.
  • Easy User-Friendly Interface
  • Enhances the user experience with easy access for both administrators and employees.
  • Freedom of Choice.
  • Offers benefits tailored to the employee, fostering loyalty through an add-to-cart method.
  • Real-time Reports and Analyses.
  • Provides meaningful data for business continuity and added value.
  • Secure and Customizable Design:
  • Allows logins anytime, anywhere on any device.
  • Shares parametrically structured personalized selection screens.
  • Allows for creation of as many profiles or profile groups as needed, depending on the number of employees.

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