Become a Partner

HomeBecome a Partner

Partner with ATP to Become Part of Our Success

IT industry is on the verge of great changes! ATP is leading this change with its mission critical technologies and innovative people. Partner with ATP now, to turn the risks of change into business opportunities and become part of its ongoing success.

Resellers and IT solution providers that partner with ATP gain the ability to offer their corporate customers exclusive technologies which help them to become more resilient and agile so that they can withstand change and lead their competition. By becoming an ATP partner you will take part in this transformation process  and be able to create real value by combining your potential with ATP’s strong value propositions.


Expand your solution portfolio and introduce new value propositions to your existing customers and new customer segments.


Grow your revenue with digital transformation projects and generate revenue with competitive solutions and services


Adapt to new technologies, excel in economies of scale and increase your profit margins with new competencies

Partner with Our Brands

Four brands to choose from

ATP Zenia

Partner with ATP Zenia to offer restaurant management and multi-channel order delivery solutions.

ATP Tradesoft

Partner with ATP Tradesoft to provide enterprise software solutions for
capital markets.

ATP Digital

Partner with ATP Digital to guide your corporate clients on their digital transformation journeys.

ATP GreenX

Partner with ATP GreenX to expand its global marketplace for environment-friendly technologies.
Two partner models that fit your business

Become a Reseller Partner

Reseller Partner Prerequisites

  1. Vertical expertise
    • ATP Zenia: Experience in hospitality
    • ATP Tradesoft: Experience in capital markets and finance
    • ATP Digital: Experience in digital transformation projects
    • ATP GreenX: Experience in green energy
  2. Dedicated sales professional
  3. Minimum investment

Reseller Partner Benefits

  • Sales commission
  • Self-service training
  • Basic reseller support

Become a Strategic Partner

Strategic Partner Prerequisites

  1. IT and vertical expertise
    • ATP Zenia: Experience in IT and hospitality
    • ATP Tradesoft: Experience in IT, capital markets and finance
    • ATP Digital: Experience in digital transformation projects
    • ATP GreenX: Experience in IT and green energy
  2. Applied competencies in IT as systems integrator, partner or solution provider
  3. Ability to provide first level support
  4. Dedicated team members
  5. Moderate investment

Strategic Partner Benefits

  • Partnership revenue sharing
  • Online training
  • Premium partner support
  • Marketing support

Partner Registration Form

Become an ATP Partner

Use our partner registration form to take your first step to become our partner.

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